Saturday, May 15, 2010

In Flight

I've been blogging for almost two years now and to get followers, I've given away prizes, baked cakes, delivered balloons, heck I've only got 59 friends on facebook, so I know when something is taking off beyond my imagination.
Olivia's bird illustration fundraiser has been taking off, hence my lack of entries for two days. No joke, Olivia has been drawing up a storm while I've been getting the word out there. In 48 hours, her facebook fan page had 288 fans and growing. We've sent out her illustrations to all over the country, been interviewed by Audubon Magazine (yet to be published) and the Sierra Club (check it out!) and have received the loveliest notes of support for her and her project. I stand by my words that people helping the environment are the nicest people on the planet. Thank you to all who have reached out to us.
Please consider contacting your US Senators and House Representatives today-- it's easy to do on-line. We cannot wait any longer for a clean energy bill. For as wonderful as this is to see Olivia's efforts take flight, I wish disasters like this were long in the past and not in the present.

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