When Modernemama posted this fab Parisian apartment she found in the NY Times, she immediately transported me back to this balcony with a view of the Sorbonne. In an instant, I tossed another life goal on my plate-- fluency in French-- and proceeded to purchase an entire array of 'How to Speak French, You Dopey Yank' audio CDs. My reward if I am successful? Flights to France!
Awesome! Becky and I are going to Paris for a week in February. Sadly I have forgotten any of the french I learned in junior high. Beck may have to do all of my talking for me.
Hey, you can't blame me for that one! I'll take full credit, though, for what happened to your 10th grade geometry grade. Hope you and Becky have a fantastic trip!
Un vrai bisou francais! Great image
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