Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Cleaning

Am I the only person who gains energy by setting the clocks ahead? Ever since the clock sprang forward an hour, I've been on a cleaning jag. The book shelves need some pruning, the bric-a-brac some editing, and the basement--- don't ask.
It's amazing how quickly the tide of clutter needs to be revisited. Last year I didn't get to my spring cleaning until June, so I knew I wanted to get started a bit earlier this year. My goal, to get something out of the house every day. Today I donated toys and coats, parted ways with a paisley silk blouse, shared a lovely scented soap, and tossed a broken humidifier. It's a start.
Over lunch I read a 'how-to' article about organizing one's home; however after reading the tips, it seems far easier to do the annual toss than to follow their complex regimen and stringent guidelines. If I had that kind of time on my hands, I wouldn't be disorganized in the first place.
Mellene of Melleneland blog and I commiserated on spring cleaning-- check out her hilarious entry on the issue.

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