So where do you come in, you ask? Please tell me which image you prefer as a digital button representing this blog and Bouler Architecture. I have a feeling but will keep my mouth shut.
Exhibit A: House in Flight was created as a photoshop collage at first. I scanned the actual butterfly and cut up pictures of houses from a trip to Montpelier, VT. I painted the image with a magnifying lamp and size 1 brushes, and it was the promotional card for my December show at Ripe Art Gallery. It now hangs in the chic and elegant household of Modernemama, surrounded by three other pieces of mine.
Exhibit B: Two if By Sea is a mixed media collage that I created for Ripe Art Gallery's upcoming Valentine's Day Show, which opens, when else, Valentine's Day. It uses an old painting of mine of the Blasket Islands in Ireland. I had been studying the islands as part of my YA novel Celtic Cross. Considering the isolation this seafaring community faced, there were many poets who came from that dying culture. We have tried to get to the islands on four different trips over, but alas the tides never cooperated. So I cut up my painting of the Blaskets into a diptych. Then I scanned our 19C German biology illustrations from an antique store in New Orleans (go Saints!) and photographed our place, Potic Cottage, where Jim designed a modern addition to a basic 600 square foot ranch. The string is scanned from a shopping bag in my office.
By the way, I'm also thinking of having reusable shopping bags made from the image, but cost may be prohibitive.
So what do you think? Which one works better as an ad-- graphics/content?
I can't give an opinion. Sorry. It's just NOT possible. They are both so lovely and whimsical. I adore them! If you printed this on canvas bags I would purchase one of each. Not a joke. My parents are in the real estate business for the last 30 years and this is RIGHT UP my mom's alley. I adore them!! You are so creative..I love these!
ps--thank you SO much for your kind words about my blog and my work. :)
I hope you know how much I appreciate it. and...speaking of facebook, let's be friends! find me on there via my blog:) and if you need any social networking pointers..let me know:)
Thank YOU for your two comments! Your dual tote idea gives me food for thought-- and facebook wise, you are one of my 22 friends. (yes, you read that correctly-- and one of those is my father-- sad.)
My email is buzzing with votes (those shy souls I know) and I clock two for the butterfly.
I vote the first one. The butterfly is more of a gentle introduction to your work (as opposed to the fish), it includes two houses (which works for the architecture aspect), the colors are more mysterious which makes it more intriguing and frankly, I just like the first one better. That's why I have a post card of it hanging in my apartment. :)
This is so helpful!
#2 - modern BDG architecture rules! As does shoreline & the visual impact is immediate.
Also I can see #1 anytime I want :) :) :)
ad is done-- hope to be up and running 2/22. the butterfly won for now, but I'm thinking the totes may be another story.
I would have voted for the butterfly as well. However my favorite is still the house of secrets, which I get to look at every day.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the second piece. I really do. Maybe it's because I am rather fond of Ireland and was there to aid in your quest for knowledge of the Basket Islands?... The Butterfly is beautiful too, don't get me wrong, I see how that won. However, I want you know know I am also a big fan of piece number two. And of Irelend. Ah, Ireland... :)
Thank you, both-- cluny, you should know my next flying house may be Oak Beach inspired. And I'm glad you are enjoying the painting. Stace-- I'll never forget that crazy rainy hike we took overlooking the Blaskets. The rain was going sideways!
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